Depiction of God - how does this relate to chemistry?

Chemistry is the study of Matter. Many believe that matter had a beginning from nothing and support Ex Nihilo, or the Big Bang. If matter had a beginning, then time had a beginning. Thus it is important to understand that matter can be defined or organized based on four different outcomes.

1)Ex Nihilo - Something from Nothing (time began when something formed out of nothing) Once matter is present time can be recorded. God is both Something and Nothing, since everything formed out of Nothing. This is beyond understanding, because there are no opposites.

2)Big Bang- Something and Nothing from Emptiness (time began when something formed out of emptiness) Big Bang is not the same as Ex Nihilo due to the addition of Emptiness. Big Bang states that Nothing formed out of emptiness. The God Particle - particle is noted as responsible for forming mass in matter. Photons are described as a substance with no mass, thus God particle is described as the first particle formed from Big Bang which has record able mass and zero spin making it equivalent to Ex Nihilo; it is described as being responsible for giving substances mass. Zero spin means no intrinsic angular momentum. It is defined to have zero spin, similar to Helium in its ground state. Helium has many particles that contribute to its zero spin at ground state. For one substance to have zero spin defines it as nothing (zero spin) and a mass of something (the combination of nothing and something - Ex Nihilo). This particle is described to have formed from emptiness, thus its description as the god particle is different from the fourth outcome defined as the Eternal Building Block. A substance with absolutely no mass is defined as nothing. Photons are defined here scientifically with zero mass, because of rounding. The photon mass value has been rounded to zero. Why? Its mass value is not seen as significant. Yet, a group of photons can move an electron! God is composed of Emptiness, Nothing, and Something. Since plans are necessary to make things, thus Emptiness formed Nothing then Nothing formed Something. This is beyond understanding, because it promotes no opposites.

3) Ex Materia - Matter never had a beginning, so Universe is timeless. Only one type of Nothing. Emptiness does not exist, since it is not proven. More than one type of matter. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. So, different types of matter would be defined by mass and movement. When substances are broken down to their building blocks in this group more than one something with an eternal mass would be observed. Similar to Earth, Fire, Air, and Water proposed by Empedocles. Aristotle added a fifth element Aether. Moreover, substances would be composed of more than one type of timeless formation of matter.

4) Eternal Building Block - Matter never had a beginning, so Universe is timeless. Only one type of Nothing. Emptiness does not exist, since it is not proven. Only one type of matter. All substances are formed from one type of matter. After nearly 100 years of debate, hitting absolute zero has been declared mathematically impossible. What does this mean and why does it matter? This means that matter is here now and tangible; the uncertainty or the ball rests in the court of turning matter into nothing. Turning matter into nothing is not proven. Something that is not proven can be considered false or not reliable. Our entire education system is based on supporting that which is proven, so that the best people become Doctors, Teachers, and Leaders. It matters, because the Eternal Building Block has the most evidence to support it as the correct answer. In addition, if there is more than one type of eternal matter, then there would be more than one eternal God. The physical shape of the one type of Eternal matter will most likely never be known. Block is used to describe its structure, because building blocks can easily be understood by students. It is the role of the educator to make the material comprehendible, so that learning can be assessed.

The depiction of God is associated with the four classifications defined above. Evidence may point to one being correct, however humans are not eternal and for this reason each category requires belief. As Educators, it is our responsibility to define the possibilities and allow the people to chose what to believe. Moreover, matter has never been destroyed or created from nothing in a laboratory experiment. Separating matter to prove one eternal matter in a laboratory experiment most likely will never be proven. The graviton, the particle predicted responsible for the attractive and repulsive force of gravity has never been proven. Yes, it would have a repulsive force similar to the electron. Electrons resist the formation of new products, so they are repulsive.

Imagine the unimaginable, yes this is an oxymoron. In a universe with no opposites, anything is possible because no opposites exist. Nothing would make sense and science would not be necessary. The one goal of science is to determine the truth. If there are no opposites, then truth is not possible because it requires false statements. Where did the idea of Something from Nothing originate?

At the heart of the Christian worldview is the idea that God is the creator of all other reality; there is a fundamental distinction between Creator and creation. Jesus addresses this old testament Jewish idea in John 5:17. In his defense Jesus said to them, My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working. Work equals force times distance and Force equals mass times acceleration. Thus, God has always had mass according to this verse. John 5:18 For this reason they tried all the more to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.

It is clear in John 5:18, that Jesus is calling himself equal with God. So, why this discussion about Jesus? The Big Bang is based on Ex Nihilo. It is Christian supported. If there was a moment in the Universe where time did not exist, thus matter did not exist. Then there was a moment when Jesus did not exist. This is what made the Sadducees and Pharisees want to kill Jesus. He is disagreeing with Ex Nihilo.

At the heart of the Christian worldview is the idea that God is the creator of all other reality; there is a fundamental distinction between Creator and creation. John 5:22 States that Jesus has the power to forgive sin, thus that makes him equal to God. Equal to God is not Son of God, as the Jews were expecting in a Messiah. Equal to the Father is full access to his power, thus no distinction between Creator and Creation. The distinction means that the Creator is seperate from Creation. Thus, this stated distinction requires God to have created Jesus. Moreover, Genesis states in the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. Thus, the Christian right believe that Jesus was created in Heaven because nothing existed prior to it. Jesus could not have existed under Ex Nihilo doctrine, because he is tangible or has substance. Jesus says this is not true in John 5:17. Jesus did many miracles and none of them were Nothing to Something. The distinction between Creator and Creation makes Jesus only the Son of God. A sacrifice for our sin, this is what the Jews expected. They did not expect God, and this is the reason they do not accept him today. Mark14:61–62 A biblically illiterate person might well have missed the import of Jesus’ words. Caiaphas and the council, however, did not. They knew that in saying he was “the Son of Man” who would come “on the clouds of heaven” he was making an overt reference to the Son of Man in Daniel’s prophecy (Dan. 7:13–14). In doing so, He was not only claiming to be the preexistent Sovereign of the universe but prophesying that He would vindicate His claim by judging the very court that was now condemning Him. Moreover, by combining Daniel’s prophecy with David’s proclamation in Psalm 110, Jesus was claiming that He would sit upon the throne of Israel’s God and share God’s very glory. To students of the Old Testament this was the height of “blasphemy,” thus “they all condemned him as worthy of death” (Mark14:64–65). As a scientist, I am a truth promoter. I see no truth in Ex Nihilo, and yes the Bible is needed as a reference to discredit it's dominance in Christian Doctrine. It has not been proven in a laboratory experiment, thus it is not proven. As a science teacher, when I hear,"something from nothing" this means every statement is uncertain and no truth could be supported with data.

Who is behind the Ex Nihilo theology? The Sadducees (sedûqîm) were one of the three main Jewish political and religious movements in the years between c.150 BCE and 70 CE. (The other movements were the Essenes and the Pharisees.) They had a conservative outlook and accepted only the written Law of Moses. Many wealthy Jews were Sadducees or sympathized with them. Sadducees were a member of a Jewish sect or party of the time of Jesus Christ that denied the resurrection of the dead, the existence of spirits, and the obligation of oral tradition, emphasizing acceptance of the written Law alone.

Free will does not exist with an Ex Nihilo God. Opposites are required or a choice between good and bad must be made for free will to be real. Those that support Ex Nihilo lack the ability to support it based on truth, because it states nothing is greater than something. Atheist believe in nothing or no eternal God or substance that has eternal mass. Ex Nihilo is an Atheist worldview. It is Honorable that the Catholics understand Ex Nihilo doctrine, the Big Bang is eventually followed by the Heat Death or final state of the universe where matter eventually returns back to nothing and finally emptiness. This is important to note, because the Christian Ex Nihilo promoters can't comprehend their own doctrine that everything will return to nothing designating John 3:16 as a false statement.

Wikipedia stats that God is defined as incorporeal, and invisible from direct sight, and thus cannot be portrayed in a literal visual image.

The respective principles of religions may or may not permit them to use images (which are entirely symbolic) to represent God in art or in worship .


Muslims believe that God (Allah) is beyond all comprehension or equal and does not resemble any of His creations in any way. Thus, Muslims, are not expected to visualize God.


At least some Jews do not use any image for God, since God is the un imageable Being who cannot be represented in material forms. In some samples of Jewish Art, however, sometimes God, or at least His Intervention, is indicated by a Hand Of God symbol, which represents the bath Kol (literally "daughter of a voice") or Voice of God;] this use of the Hand Of God is carried over to Christian Art.


Early Christians believed that the words of the Gospel of John 1:18: "No man has seen God at any time" and numerous other statements were meant to apply not only to God, but to all attempts at the depiction of God.]

Agnosticism and atheism

Agnosticism is the view that, the truth values of certain claims – especially metaphysical and religious claims such as whether God, the divine or the supernatural exist – are unknown and perhaps unknowable.[60][61][62]

Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities, or a God.[63][64] In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.[65]

Creation and how God is depicted:

Ex Nihilo - Something from Nothing

 According to the Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary, “God is Creator—the only being capable of making something from nothing. The Hebrew word for “create” always and only has God as its subject.” (p. 308) The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia explains, “The OT and the NT, their doctrine of creation, recognize no eternal matter before creation.” (1:801). “It was not a refashioning of previous materials (cf. Rom. 4:17; Heb. 11:3),”

If God created something from nothing as some believe, then why did God do it in six days?  

Why was Adam created out of dust and not from Nothing?  Why was Eve created out of Adam's rib and not from Nothing? I don't know does not support the belief in Ex Nihilo. Nor does it support CHNOPS being mostly stable with only trace radio isotopes, so a man or woman can feel like they are older than the Earth. Which means, if you died we could not use your atoms to date the age of the Earth. Auto Insurance companies estimate your monthly bill based on the prediction or estimation of current accidents that happen. Carbon 12 is stable, or does not experimentally demonstrate change into another atom. Thus it does not have a half life.

Is God Ex Nihilo inconsistent?  

Why is the creation story inconsistent, because some parts are Ex Nihilo and some parts are Ex Materia? Jesus never demonstrated an Ex Nihilo miracle. John 2:1-11, Matthew 14:13-21, John 11:38:44

Jesus states I am God. John 8:58 This is the reason the Jews plotted to kill him, because he does not validate Ex Nihilo. John 10:30-33 Jesus clearly states,"I and the Father are one". Jesus proves that God is not Ex Nihilo. Science has not proven Ex Nihilo, so why do so many people believe it? It allows you the freedom to not be accountable!

Why did God continue to create after the sixth day and not from Ex Nihilo as stated in

Genesis 3:21New International Version (NIV)

21 The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.

If God created Something from Nothing, then God must be composed of both Something and Nothing.  Thus no opposites exist in the Universe.  No absolute truth is possible.

Big Bang Trinity:  Something, Nothing, Emptiness  

If God created Something from Nothing out of Emptiness, then God must be composed of all three.  Why?  The Big Bang is viewed as a singularity, thus the Universe now contains something and nothing that are not interchangeable unless under singularity conditions.  Emptiness is defined as the absence of both something and nothing and to make things that are defined requires a plan.  These three must be a part of God in this view.

For God to be able to create Something, Nothing, and Emptiness, then God must be composed of all three. Opposites do not exist, no absolute truth is possible, and randomness rules.


Ex Nihilo vs. Ex Materia

To the contrary, Mormonism teaches the eternal existence of matter, or Creation Ex Materia. The Encyclopedia of Mormonism explains, “Since Mormons believe that the elements are eternal, it follows that they deny the ex nihilo creation” (1:400). The Book of Mormon speaks about how God (2 Nephi 2:14; 11:7) and Jesus (Helaman 14:12) created the heavens and the earth. Early sections of the Doctrine and Covenants also refer to this issue (D&C 14:9; 45:1).

Ex Materia asserts that some substance was already in existence, albeit in a primordial state, prior to God arriving on the scene to begin His creative activity.  If one type of matter does not have a plan to create new substances and another type of matter does have a plan, then two different God’s would exist.  (Technical: one matter can’t bond unless being told by another different type of matter that holds the plan for bonding to form new substances)

Is there one True God?  Ex Materia promotes the idea that God organizes matter.  If there are two types of matter that are distinctly different, then there would be more than one true God.  Nothing is not a true God, because it can’t bond to form a new substance.

Ex Materia   vs.   Eternal Building Block

The mass, volume, and shape of the Eternal Building Block are unknown.  

One building block of something that has defined movements, that can be recorded and replicated (John 5:20) .  Bonding of substances concerns the movement of substances.  God uses these movements to build all that is observed in the Universe out of Nothing.  Something that follows a plan can produce data and promote truth.  Opposites exist, and absolute truth is possible.  Fortunately, life is not fair and we will never know the precise and accurate way to keep our spirit eternal. Freedom from death is The Way. We can only become a child of God (Luke 20:36) For many this will be a no go, because being a child is not reward enough. "Being able to control your own destiny for eternity would be a fair reward for good behavior", says the Devil. And many choose to follow him, however he does not know the way and will eventually break apart and be forgotten. God must have a mass that is eternal in order to be defined as timeless. If God states that he is timeless, the only way to make sense of that as a true statement is associated with mass.

One true God. Truth determines the possibilities as defined by the word (John 5:22).